How to go undergo medical abortion while maintaining your health

Medical abortion is a safe method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy up to 9 weeks and it is possible to lead a healthy life soon after the medical abortion procedure. Though your physician guides you on how you should be administering the abortion pills, you should also understand how to go through a medical abortion procedure while maintaining your health. Following this can also help you recover faster from pregnancy termination. Know what to expect from the abortion procedure: When you have medical termination of pregnancy, there a couple of important hormonal changes that you go through. Following are the changes that should expect while undergoing the procedure. Both these changes are most likely to happen after taking the second … Continue reading

Is Misoprotol Similar To Cytolog?

For a complete medical abortion, one has to have a drug combination of pregnancy termination pills. However, there are so many pills available in the pharmacies that it can be confusing for women as to which abortion pill to choose for ending their unwanted pregnancy at home. Before you buy abortion pill online, they are advised to do some research as to which pill suits their budget and requirements. The simpler way to deal with this confusion can be to ask your healthcare provider which medicine you should go for in the procedure of medical pregnancy termination. It is better to be informed of abortion pills options you’re availed with. Following are the different abortion pills, all of which are … Continue reading

Emergency Contraceptive Pills and Abortion pills are not the same

Although both medications help women deal with an unwanted pregnancy, abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills are way too different medicines. Besides both medicines are consumed in different situations with different purposes. This blog helps you understand the difference between abortion pills and emergency contraceptive pills. What are abortion pills? Abortion pills are a medication which brings in an abortion of an early pregnancy up to 63 days. There’s a medicine combination which together works on ending the unwanted pregnancy. There’s no single pregnancy termination pill can end the pregnancy alone. What are emergency contraceptive pills? Emergency contraceptive pills do not end an early pregnancy but prevent it before it takes place. There’s only one pill which is taken at … Continue reading

Choosing the right product for menstruation-pads, tampons , and cups.

  The adulthood stage is complex, specifically when menstruation becomes one of the concerning factors. Menstruation is a lively process but induces part of the day to day lifestyle chores. The only possible way to tackle the process is to adapt menstruation napkins and pads. While the market is vast, users at times fail to recognize the true potential of certain products and get entangled. Below are methods where one can tackle the menstruation outcomes of women into buying stuff: Napkins and Pads: The best and easiest way to deal with menstruation is the use of napkins and pads. This is the most tangible way of putting menstruation on a watch. Menstruation and sanitary pads offer different levels of absorbency. … Continue reading

Teenage pregnancy-how to make kids familiar with it?

  A global research says that teenage pregnancies affect heavily to the social and economic growth of the nation. Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy in a female between the age group of 13-18. An unexpected adolescent pregnancy could bring lots of anxiety to a young girl. Due to lack of financial and emotional support required to tackle such situations, girls often find themselves in a dilemma- that is not able to differentiate between the rights and the wrongs which lead to low self-esteem and feel like extreme grief or shame. Also if a girl of very young age gets pregnant, she may have to face medical complications such as the death of the baby, or the mother or even both. … Continue reading

online pharmacy or local: Which is a better option to choose for medical abortion?

The aim is always to safely end your pregnancy when you’re planning where to buy an abortion pill. The availability of abortion pills is largely seen on online platforms. Where can I buy the abortion pill? Or Where should I go to buy abortion pills? Surely you have had such questions while thinking of medical abortion. Here’s what you can do to know where you should get the right medication for pregnancy termination. Before you move on to the sources of abortion medicines, take a look at the safe pregnancy termination pills which are approved by food and drug administration. For the anti-progesterone medicine, you can use any of the (1) Mifepristone (2) Mifeprex, (3) Generic RU 486 along with … Continue reading

What are the benefits of taking abortion pills?

Before you take any decision on an unwanted pregnancy and select a method for the pregnancy termination, you must study every method to understand its efficacy and how it would impact your health. Surgical abortion and medical abortion are the two types of pregnancy termination. This blog shall introduce you to the advantages of medical abortion. Drug combination such as Mifepristone and Cytolog is widely used to end an unwanted pregnancy. In the digitally advanced world, women can easily buy abortion pill online and administer them at home to end an early and unwanted pregnancy. Following are the advantages of taking abortion pills to end your unwanted pregnancy: Maintained privacy: Medical abortion can be performed at home once the woman … Continue reading

How Abortion affects men too

Sexual intercourse is a mutual process, abortion should be even. Profound communication with the partner, irrespective of the gender must be on the list. Supporting females on the choice is acceptable only when its mutual. If any of the partners don’t support the step, mutual consultation followed by backing would make the process bearable. Often it is best to tackle unwanted pregnancy through medical abortion. In fact, recent times have made it easier to buy abortion pills online. As it greatly reduces the primitive stress that the couple has to bear. MTP kits are also options where the couple can opt for abortion, after hours of pregnancy being detected. Men have been equally affected by an abortion as compared to … Continue reading

5 reasons why women choose abortion

Abortion is not endorsed in many communities or even certain regions as an entire. Medical termination of pregnancy is particularly stereotyped over the globe. But, there are certain circumstances under which the MTP kit may be really useful deeming abortion as the most practical choice. When the mother’s health is at risk Pregnancy may lead to several complications in specific cases where maternal health should be held at top priority. These complications may even be life-threatening. In such cases, abortion, indeed, is the only choice. The problems may be related to the physical or mental health of the mother. Some common ones include infections of the reproductive tract, high blood pressure situations, or suicidal tendencies. There may even be other … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Medical Abortion Tagged Ending Pregnancy, Medical Abortion, pregnancy termination, Unplanned Pregnancy

Preventing infections that may be caused by the abortion pills

An induced pregnancy termination through pills is shown to suit about 98% of the women who take it up. This efficiency is partly dependent on the quality of the medication and partly on the woman’s use. One must buy abortion pill from a trusted supplier for maintained standards and also follow the protocols specified by the medical practitioner or healthcare professionals. Despite these precautions, every woman stands a minor risk for infections in the upper half of the reproductive tract from the pills. This may include infections in the uterus and fallopian tubes capable of leading to secondary complications like infertility. Antibiotics administered at the time of abortion will be able to lower the risk. Why are infections caused? There … Continue reading