What is sexual intercourse after a medical abortion like?

Abortion is a stigmatized women’s healthcare topic. One discussion that gets lost in this meddling is what you need to know about sexual intercourse after an abortion. It is important to understand and learn more about lifestyle in the post-abortion phase so that you don’t worsen your situation instead of improving it. You shouldn’t resume intercourse soon after the procedure Medical practitioners strictly advise that you must wait until a complete recovery before indulging in intimate acts after a medical termination of pregnancy. If you read about the abortion pills online or educate yourself through books, you will be able to gather that the female reproductive system is highly sensitized after their administration. So, it will make a woman highly … Continue reading

Debunking myths about fertility after abortion

  A common question that occurs to women is if they can choose to get pregnant in the future, after an abortion. The answer is yes! Especially in the case of medical abortion, chances of a wound in the reproductive system or any permanent physical damage are negligible if proper protocols are followed. One must also ensure that they buy abortion pills from a safe local or online pharmacy. The proponents of anti-abortion ideologies make false claims that spread as rumors. There prevail myths about fertility after an abortion that may bother you in the decision-making process. A lot of women choose to end their pregnancy to prevent health risks or due to unfavorable economic conditions. In these cases, worrying … Continue reading

Irregular periods after an abortion?

The abortion regimen is a hormonal play. It takes about 2-4 weeks for the female hormones to reach their normal levels and for the menstrual cycle to become normal again. The symptoms of abortion may thus last for up to this time. It is hence very confusing for a woman to understand the post-abortion menstrual cycle. She may very often consider spotting within this time frame to be her periods or may also be faced with irregular periods for extended durations after an abortion.   The following explanation may be able to resolve your worries. When can I expect my first period after an abortion? Abortion bleeding may last until complete expulsion of pregnancy contents. This may be intermittent spotting … Continue reading

Vaginal administration of Misoprostol

The medical abortion regimen comprises of two abortion pills; Mifepristone and Misoprostol. While some women undergo a complete abortion after the administration of Mifepristone itself, most of them require the secondary medication. A single pill of Mifepristone (200 mg)is taken orally with water and is not very troublesome. But, four pills (800 mg) of Misoprostol are required to complete the dose. Moreover, a vaginal administration is considered to be more effective. So, to enhance the success rate of the drugs, it is crucial to know how to insert misoprostol vaginally.   The use of Misoprostol Preparation There are some inevitable symptoms of Misoprostol and it is important to stay prepared for the same. These include cramping and heavy bleeding. The … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Medical Abortion Tagged abortion pill online, Buy Abortion, buy abortion pill, How To, HowTo, Insert Misoprostol, Mifepristone, Vaginally

How early a woman can take abortion pills

Millions of women all across the globe perform a medical abortion under various circumstances. While surgical abortion can be carried out post 8 weeks as well, medical abortion has to be done below or up to 8 weeks of pregnancy gestation period. It is always advised to get your pregnancy termination complete as early as possible. This is to avoid the possible complications involved in the process. Generally, all the abortions are performed in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, if it is calculated from the last month period. The later an abortion is performed, the more complications will be involved affecting the health of the woman. Besides, a woman also has to consider the regulations and law concerning abortion … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Medical Abortion Tagged buy abortion pill, buy abortion pill kit online, buy abortion pills, Mifepristone, Misoprostol

How Abortion Can Offer Complete Healthcare to Women

Women’s healthcare does not only mean treatment of disorders and diseases, particularly when reproductive health is concerned. Pregnancy being a vital part of the reproduction holds a lot of importance for women’s health. While some are prepared to take one the role of parents, others may want to get the pregnancy terminated depending upon medical conditions, her/ fetus’ health status or situation etc. In case a woman decides to get her pregnancy terminated within 10 weeks [70 days] of gestation, she can buy abortion pills online and have the procedure at home. Here are ways in which women can get full access to healthcare through abortion pill facility: For family planning at critical moments If an individual is married and … Continue reading

It Is Harmful Smoking and Drinking Alcohol during Medical Abortion

The medication pregnancy termination is done with the help of two medicines 1 Mifepristone pill and 4 Misoprostol pills for the process to be completed safely. In concern to alcohol and smoking cigarettes during abortion, doctors generally recommend to avoid it. This is because the abortion pills interact with both drinking and smoking negatively which can be dangerous to the body. The ingredients found in liquor, as well the nicotine found in cigarettes can have a huge negative impact on the central nervous system. It causes gastric abortion medicines dizziness, troubles, disorientation, causes drowsiness, and damages the liver, etc. All of these effects are not safe for the females; whether she wants to keep the pregnancy or even if she … Continue reading

Some Facts about Medical Abortion That Can Clear Up the Confusion

When people discuss pregnancy termination, they are regularly talking regarding surgical one, as in, visiting a doctor’s clinic or hospital for abortion. However anyone who requires terminating a pregnancy must know that, if they are 10 or less than 10 weeks along, they have one more option: medical abortion, aka, MTP Kit. Medical abortion can be scary; however it is often shrouded in additional mystery or false information, which makes it even more frightening. There are some key abortion pill facts you must know, as well as how just how safe it really is. 1. The abortion pill and morning-after pill are two very different things: While MTP abortion kit makes a pregnancy cease growing, the morning – after pill, … Continue reading

Precautions and Diet for Medical Abortion with MTP Kit

Most common question in mind while thinking of medical abortion is “should I go for it?” and this question makes her worry each second. It is very bad situation for females, when they have to take the decision for aborting the fetus. But, pregnancy termination is the process in which there is eradication of the pregnancy done on the basis of choice. It is difficult to declare whether the decision is right or not because at times situations are such that she has no option but to take this step. If it is connected with the health of the women and the fetus then of course the abortion is the right choice. During and after pregnancy termination it is equally … Continue reading