Many Women Use Abortion Pill to Have Self-Induce Pregnancy Termination At Home

There have been number of debates on this topic. Many are unaware whether it is safe to abort at home or not? The answer is yes; women can buy abortion pills online and can safely abort at home through administering the pills by her-self. Being a women’s choice whether to do abortion or keep pregnancy, she also has a choice on how to carry out the abortive procedure which is best convenient for her. Females can even visit the clinic to get the procedure done, however it is untrue to say it is unsafe to perform at home. In fact, females have better control over the process as she is performing it privately. It is not required that the medication … Continue reading

Advancements in the Technologies Have Made Abortion Safer

Pregnancy terminations, although a controversial topic of discussion, remain a significant choice for women of child-bearing age. People who choose it must be known the health risks endure, even if over 40 million procedures were performed worldwide in recent years. Therefore, changes to methods that correspond with modern medicine have lessened the health risks endured by females who choose to end their pregnancies. Thus, the risks faced during subsequent pregnancies have diminished considerably. Researchers found that there was a 15% growth in the odds of preterm birth linked with each preceding abortion. Remarkably, there was an 18% growth in the odds of spontaneous preterm birth for each previous abortion; however no connection between preceding abortion and the risk of induced … Continue reading

Posted in Medical Abortion Tagged Abortion Pills, buy misoprostol, mifepristone pill, pregnancy termination

How Can You Prepare For An Abortion?

Women may be feeling very upset and frightened or probably a sense of relief that you have or are about to choose an abortion. It may be you want to know what happens next. You need to prepare yourself, depending upon the kind of abortion you will be having- medical abortion or surgical abortion. If you decide to go for medical abortion, you can buy abortion pill kit online or at a local pharmacy in advance. For both the procedure, you might need support afterward. Ask your partner or any person you trust to help you after you have the abortion. Before an abortion: Prior to having the abortion get your pregnancy confirmed through an ultrasound scan. It helps to … Continue reading

5 Necessary Things That Can Help To Discuss an Unplanned Pregnancy with Your Spouse

  A pregnancy, which is unplanned, is a bombshell that causes you to experience many different emotions. You are anxious as well as frightened about the possibility of having a baby. You might be unaware as how to tell your spouse. Before having conversation with your spouse, you need to work through your own feelings. With a frank and honest discussion, your spouse and you can make a decision that is best and safe for your family. Confirm that you are pregnant: Prior to running through different scenarios in your mind, be 100% sure that you are pregnancy. You can make use of home pregnancy test as it is convenient and very accurate. If your pregnancy test result detects positive, … Continue reading

Contraception Advice For After an Abortive Procedure

One of the most popular method of contraception in the modern history has been “the pill”. Technological advancements and medical discovery advancements have bettered the oral hormonal contraceptive suitable for consumption. The levels of estrogen and progestin hormones and their derived generation versions have become more tolerable to the human body. Its ease in consumption and efficacy have made oral contraceptive favorable for all. Yet, one of the most leading cause unwanted pregnancies is reported to be due to contraception failures. This is most likely due to error is usage which includes missed dosage. Contraception after an abortion As per a recent study, more women buy abortion pill now than opting for a surgery. Even if the overall abortion rates … Continue reading

Access to Abortion Assists Women in Many Ways

In western society abortion is considered as one of the most divisive social issues and has been so for years. When faced with an unexpected pregnancy it can be tremendously hard for few women to make their mind up what is best for themselves and those around them. For other women the situations of their lives and the pregnancy make the choice more clear-cut. Termination of pregnancy is one of the decisions that women may make. If you are thinking about an abortion you are not alone: It is predicted that about half of all pregnancies in a country is unplanned, along with that up to one in four women will prefer abortion in their life span. These women include … Continue reading

Not Every Woman Chooses Motherhood, and that’s Absolutely OK!

‘Just because you are blessed with a uterus doesn’t mean you need to use it’. Being a woman, we are taught that parenthood is a natural state to which we should all pursue. Beginning the role-playing with dolls to the yearning of becoming grandmothers, the pressure to produce offspring can be persistent. What is done for a growing figure of women who are urging not to be traditional? Majority of women today buy abortion pills to choose a childless life. The number of such females has increased than ever before. As per the research in European and the U.S. countries, 1 in 5 western women will end their accouterments years without conceiving, compared to 1 in 10 just 30 years … Continue reading

Women Now Prefer Abortion Pills Than Surgery, Says Report

American women are now increasingly choosing to cancel their pregnancies with medication than going through a surgical procedure, says a report. As abortion pills grow more popular, the rate of medical pregnancy cancellation now rivals the number of surgical terminations. This is majorly attributed to the FDA’s easing up on its regulations to make access to abortive drugs and services easier. With recent online boom and this amendment, more pharmacies are providing abortion pills online. Medically induced pregnancy terminations were introduced to America in 2000, however surgical abortions have been more preferential in the country. Its usage has been more prevalent in European countries like France, Scotland and Finland since the 1980’s.   In fact according to a research, 95% of terminations … Continue reading